Excell NHP Electro Surgical Unit


The new models Excell NHP have been designed according to a “manufacturing philosophy” which privileges the easy and immediate comprehension of all the usage/regulation modes, and at the same time guarantees a wide range of performances, an absolute reproducibility and functioning personalization, as well as a maximum safety and reliability. The series is composed of three models for electro-surgery, Excell NHP-400/D, Excell NHP-350/D, and Excell NHP-250/D, which can all be connected to an independent Argon gas module; there are also two models for electro-surgery and electro-surgery with Argon gas: Excell NHP-400/DA and Excell NHP-250/DA.


In order to help the operators and assure the perfect personalization of the performances, the models Excell NHP allow memorizing and then selecting through a simple button 100 complete functioning programs, which include pre-set programs for the general or the laparoscopic surgery, the endoscopic surgery under liquid, the flexible endoscopic surgery, as well as the simple bipolar mode.

For the models equipped with the Argon gas function, there are also the programs for the usage in general or laparoscopic surgery, as well as the programs for flexible endoscopy with or without the Argon gas.


The Excell NHP units have got 17 currents: 10 for the monopolar usage, and 7 for the bipolar usage.

Three for the monopolar cut, with self-regulation ADC System – constant power and starting impulse control

  • Pure, non-modulated sinusoidal current for the cut without any coagulating effect;
  • Blend 1, modulated and pulsed sinusoidal current for the cut with normal coagulating effect.
  • Blend 2, modulated and pulsed current for the cut with a strong coagulating effect spray type for surgery or laparoscopy.

Three for the monopolar cut, with self-regulation APC System – constant voltage and starting impulse control

  • Auto Pure, non-modulated sinusoidal current for the cut without any coagulating effect;
  • Auto Blend, modulated and pulsed sinusoidal current for the cut with normal coagulating effect;
  • Auto Endo, current with alternating phases of cut and coagulation for the flexible endoscopy.

Four for the monopolar coagulation with self-regulation ADC System – constant power

  • Fulg Forced modulated high voltage current with an optimum superficial and deep efficacy, which is suitable both for the direct usage with an active small section electrode and for the indirect usage through an insulated coagulation forceps.

It is perfect also to obtain a cut with a strong coagulating effect;

  • PinPoint-Contact, modulated medium voltage current, which is very similar to the previous one, but with a more delicate effect;
  • Soft, modulated low voltage current with a strong deep effect, and no superficial carbonization.

It is perfect for the direct usage with coagulation electrodes, or for the indirect usage through an insulated coagulation forceps;

  • Spray, modulated and pulsed very high voltage current, with a very strong superficial effect and a low penetration into the tissues. It is perfect for the direct usage without any contact, with small section electrodes.

Two for the bipolar cut, with self-regulation ADC System – constant power and Starting impulse control

  • Pure, non-modulated pulsed sinusoidal current for the cut;
  • Blend, modulated and pulsed sinusoidal current for the cut with coagulating effect. With laparoscopic forceps, it is also suitable to obtain a strong coagulating effect only.

Two for the bipolar coagulation, with self-regulation APC System – constant voltage

  • Micro CV, non-modulated low voltage current for very delicate coagulations with Soft / Micro Precise effect, a minimum superficial carbonization, and no sticking on the tissues;
  • Micro Auto, identical to Micro CV, but with Auto Start / Auto Stop Impedance Sensing and Start Delay adjustable from 0 to 5 sec. It is perfect for the usage with manual activation, and no need of special forceps with switch device.

Two for the bipolar coagulation, with self-regulation ADC System – constant power

  • Micro HC, current with Standard Forced effect in order to rapidly coagulate the vascularized points and the bleedings during the procedures with saline solution, and use instruments with tips of big dimensions;
  • Macro, modulated and pulsed current with a stronger effect than the Micro HC current.

One for the coagulation / sealing of big vessels, with self-regulation ADC System – constant power

  • Seal HC, pulsed current to coagulate and close the big vessels with a minimum superficial carbonization and no sticking of the tissues. It can be activated through a pedal foot-switch, and thanks to the Auto Stop Impedance Sensing system it is very efficacious and easy to use, in laparoscopy too.


In order to guarantee the best possible efficiency and the minimum side effects, all the output currents are completely self-controlled through a micro-processor with three different systems:

  • ADC System – constant power, which automatically adjusts the powers by verifying the voltage and the current, according to a continuous feed-back in real time (7,000 checks/sec) between the unit and the patient tissues, as well as between the electrode and its rapidity of sliding on the tissues. This system is also necessary to intervene in an efficacious way on many types of tissue or under liquid with the lowest possible powers.
  • APC System – constant voltage, which automatically adjusts the powers, by keeping the voltage – and so the currents electric arc – constant, according to a continuous feed-back in real time (7,000 checks/sec) between the unit and the patient tissues, as well as between the electrode and its rapidity of sliding on the tissues. This system is also necessary to intervene in an efficacious and very delicate way on the operating point with the minimum superficial necrosis.
  • Starting impulse control, which electronically checks the starting pulse of the cut currents, in order to guarantee the maximum efficacy with the lowest possible powers.


All models are equipped with: two monopolar outputs, which can be used at the same time by two different operators through the Twin activation device; two bipolar outputs, which are very useful and common today, notably in laparoscopy.

The two monopolar outputs can be activated by three modes:

  • Both of them by the hand-switches placed on the electrodes holder handles, or by the double pedal foot-switch.
  • One by the hand-switches placed on the electrodes holder handle, and the other by the double pedal foot-switch.

For the usage with the Argon gas module, into the models Excell NHP-400/DA and Excell NHP-250/DA, the two outputs can also be activated as follows:

  • Both of them by the double pedal foot-switch, or both of them by the hand-switches placed on the electrodes holder handles: one is for electro-surgery, and the other one for electro-surgery with Argon gas.

The two bipolar outputs can always be activated independently from the monopolar ones, by three modes:

  • For the cut or the coagulation, by the double pedal foot-switch.
  • For the coagulation, by selecting the Micro Auto current, through the automatic Auto Start / Auto Stop Impedance Sensing, with a starting delay adjustable from 0 to 5 sec.
  • For the coagulation and the sealing of the big vessels, by selecting the Seal HC current, with activation by the pedal foot-switch and automatic Auto Stop Impedance Sensing.


The Excell models are equipped with an auto-check system at double microprocessor that is the Master / Sleeve System with two Microprocessors at 32 bit. It is characterized by an interconnection in feed-back, a serial communication, as well as a double memorization of the functioning data with validity control CRC at 16 bit, which has got a big operational capacity and can optimize the execution rapidity of all the different functions, which are necessary to guarantee the maximum safety and functionality.


The models Excell NHP-400/D, Excell NHP-350/D and Excell NHP-250/D can be used with an external module for the Argon gas, while the models Excell NHP-400/DA and Excell NHP- 250/DA are already complete with all the necessary functions for the electro-surgical cut and coagulation with this type of gas; therefore, they guarantee big advantages if compared to the systems composed by the electro-surgical unit and the separate Argon module.

The absence of interface devices, a bigger simplicity of functioning, the possibility to connect and use at the same time the accessories for electro-surgery and electro-surgery with Argon gas, the automatic output of the right modulated and pulsed spray coagulation when the Argon gas coagulation is activated independently from the type of coagulation selected for the simple electro-surgery, as well as the self-compensation of the gas flow Constant Flow System according to the diameter of the electrodes, with a perfect control of the penetration depth, make this technical “solution” very efficacious and appreciated by all the operators who, in general or specialist surgery, in laparoscopy or in flexible endoscopy, ask for those particular effects that are typical of

the Argon gas coagulation. Among them, we can remember the rapid haemostasis of big bleeding areas without any contact nor sticking of the electrode on the tissues, a minimum deep effect (max. 3mm), a low risk of perforation of the tissues, and finally the absence of smokes and smells.


The Excell models are equipped with a circuit that can verify the connection / contact of the neutral electrodes “non Split” type with a single section and “Split” type with a double section.

With the “non Split” electrodes, the system checks the right connection of the cable: if it is broken / non well connected, the circuit interrupts the delivery of the power and gives a luminous acoustic alarm signal.

With the “Split” electrodes, the system also checks the quality of the contact between the electrode and the patient tissues, by giving progressive alarm signals. If only 80% of the adult standard electrode surface is well connected, it gives the first luminous alarm signal; if the good contact of the electrode decreases to 50%, it gives another luminous alarm signal and automatically reduces the output power to max. 200W. Finally, if the contact is dangerous or the cable is broken / non well connected, the circuit interrupts the delivery of the power with a complete acoustic and luminous alarm signal.